Wednesday 22 April 2020

Creative Writing

We have been working on creative writing this week and trying to add in amazing descriptive language so we can create an image in the readers mind. This weeks tasks were to describe a special place and a character description. 

A Special Place
I can feel the wet grainy sand seeping in between my toes as I stroll along the beach, the beams of sunlight shining down upon the glossy blue water. The sound of people laughing and chatting in the midst of the rolling waves crashing up against the shore and the potent smell of the salty seaweed washed up on the beach. My family and I had just arrived after a five hour long drive from Greymouth to Golden Bay. The journey felt as though it had been stretched out for 10 hours because of my great anticipation. We had just dropped our bags off at Sandcastle where we’re staying for a week and driven down to Tata beach. I’m about to jump into the water to do some snorkelling in my wetsuit and attempt to discover what lives on the freezing seabed. “Splash!” I immediately feel the water rushing into my wetsuit and cooling my body temperature down as I swim further out to sea. I put my head underwater to try and spot some fish however the water is seemingly an endless abyss. I know it can’t be deeper than three metres considering it’s low tide so I make the decision to dive down.

The water immediately swallows me whole and as I go deeper my ears begin to throb. I can see the seabed! It’s an eerie sort of silence down here and freezing at that! There are many shells scattered along the bottom as well as schools of fish in the distance. There are starfish covering the seabed. I realise that I’m almost out of breath and I push off the bottom as hard as I can and shoot up like a rocket. I gasp for breath.


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