Thursday, 25 June 2015


Check out this incredible art from Room 18!

Friday, 27 March 2015

YUM... Check out our cupcakes for our Family Fiesta!

Wow Room 18 are an incredibly talented and creative bunch of children :)

Friday, 20 March 2015

Cupcakes for our Family Fiesta

Hi Room 18

Please remember to organise how you would like to decorate your cupcakes for our Family Fiesta Evening.  No more than 6 cupcakes please and if you would like them to be judged they will need to be at school by l2:30pm on Friday 27th March.  Thanks and enjoy your weekend. There is a link through to the notice for you below.  Have fun searching for some cool ideas :)

Family Fiesta cupcakes

Tuesday, 10 March 2015

Kitchen Chemistry Criteria

Here is the criteria for our science experiment.  Don't forget we will be sharing all our work with each other on Wednesday 1st April in the afternoon.
Kitchen Chemistry Criteria